LEMA Network

Tracking made simple in Afghanistan with our solution empowered by cutting edge GPS technology

Eagle Eye Tracking Solution

Track your vehicles, personnel and assets in real-time using our Eagle Eye Solution which integrates cutting edge tracking technology. The devices are tested in rigid environments to handle fleet management, personnel tracking and more. Utilizing these products, companies can keep eyes on people or things that really matter. With our small, lightweight and handheld Personnel Tracker you can live-track your personnel, whether it is truck, van or any other type of vehicle, you can live-track them with our Vehicle Tracker and easily track your assets with our small and long-lasting self-battery powered Asset Tracker.

LEMA Network Eagle Eye Solution LEMA Network Eagle Eye Solution Flyer [PDF - 155 KB] Flyer [PDF - 168 KB]
LEMA Network Eagle Eye Solution LEMA Network Eagle Eye Solution Flyer [PDF - 129 KB] Flyer [PDF - 154 KB]

SmartClerk office management application

Java TechnologiesMicrosoft .Net
OracleMicrosoft SQL server
Apache CouchDBMongodb
Google AndroidApple iOS
Hibernate ORMSpring Source
Geo ServerOpenLayers

SmartClerk office management application
