Application Portfolio

Easy-to-use web application that can efficiently manage your organization's project information and provides robust reporting capability

Web-based application developed for businesses to automate their invoice, quotation, expenses, customer management! Easy to use and install.

This handy tool is best fit for digitalizing your transportation logbooks! Used on organizational-level to keep your transportation records and report instantly.

A tool that provides rich functionality for efficiently managing your inventory and personnel management department. Avoid cost overheads by using this simple but helpful tool.

Complete web-based intranet designed and implemented using latest technologies, where users have different access levels for collaboration of sensitive information

Desktop application developed to enter and capture non-formal education data from fields using different formats and generate various user-defined reports

Web-based application for tranport company to automatically calculate their financial information based on invoices, quotations and expenses and automatically notify customers if their lease expiry and manage all vehicles.

SmartClerk office management application

Java TechnologiesMicrosoft .Net
OracleMicrosoft SQL server
Apache CouchDBMongodb
Google AndroidApple iOS
Hibernate ORMSpring Source
Geo ServerOpenLayers

SmartClerk office management application
